social housing, artist workshops, public spaces, essential services, an integration centre for autistic adults, urban agriculture, new access to the canal, family housing, and much more...
Incarnation de l'histoire du canal de Lachine, Canada Malting sera restaurée et pourra reprendre son rôle de point de convergence dynamique pour la communauté de Saint-Henri et pour Montréal.

Montreal, during the late 1800’s, was one of the most important metropolitan centres in all of North America. The driving force behind the growth of a nation. A place of vast opportunity, a place of enormous enterprise, innovation, education, free thought, and vibrant cultural diversity. With the economic success of the Lachine Canal, Montreal had given birth to several industries that ultimately came to define Canadian society. The brewery and distillery industries are such an example.
Recognizing the need to better supply the increasing demand from Molson, La Batt, Dow, and Seagrams, the Canada Malting Corporation commissioned David Jerome Spence to design and build a processing complex at the corner of Saint-Ambroise and Saint-Remi in Saint-Henri. The original facility, which included 11 then state-of the art terracotta silos, was completed in 1905.
However, with the closing of the Lachine Canal in 1970, the advantages of this location were drastically reduced. Canada Malting eventually closed down all operations and left the site in 1980.
The exit of Canada Malting began the decline of the facility which was ultimately abandoned in 1989 when CN ceased its rail line service along the canal.
In many ways, the Canada Malting facility is an encapsulation of the history of the Lachine Canal and of the South-West of Montreal. Quietly, the buildings have bravely weathered the passage of time, the effects of gross neglect and abject vandalism to the point where they have become a canvas for the discontent of a community. A community that is in need of better services and a broader spectrum of community oriented offerings that are supportive of local initiatives and that foster inclusion, collaboration, innovation and cooperation, both today and tomorrow. A community that is desperate for private enterprise to do its part to catalyze positive change.
Canada Malting commissions industrial architect David Jerome Spence to design and build a new facility along the Lachine Canal
New processing annex and 18 concrete silos are added. Output capacity - now an immense 250,000 lbs per year. Employs 150 local Saint-Henri workers.
1971 - 1979
The decline of the South-West boroughs is propelled by the continued closing or relocation of many businesses.
CN ceases rail service along the Lachine Canal. The facility is abandoned by the new owners. Nearly all industry along the canal is gone.
2008- 2015
A "moratorium" is placed on Canada Malting and the government is asked to fund a social redevelopment of the complex. No project is ever proposed. Renwick places the site under option and submits a unique mixed use development proposal.
The final phase of the Turcot PDUES consultation is completed. The conclusive report issued by the OCPM in September recommends that the site be reintegrated into the community as proposed by Renwick further stating that immediate action is needed.

Malting operations commence and Canada Malting is directly linked to the growth and success of Dow, Segrams, Labatt and Molson
The Lachine Canal is closed to shipping. Rail lines are now used exclusively. Many industries move to other locations or close their doors completely.
Struggling with the inefficiencies of rail transport, Canada Malting closes down the Saint-Ambroise operations and sells the property.
1990 - 2007
The Canada Malting facility becomes the encapsulation of the history of the Lachine Canal and the South-West. The buildings fall into tremendous disrepair.
The Montreal Commission for Public Consultation (OCPM) concludes that the community wants to see Canada Malting redeveloped and the buildings saved. The provincial and federal governments state that public funding is not possible. The City of Montreal declares that if the site is to be saved, it must be done through the private sector.

Montreal adopts the recommendations made by the OCPM further to the conclusion of the Turcot PDUES
Renwick Development enters into discussions with the Sud-Ouest regarding the anticipated mix of services, commercial area, and social housing


For Renwick Development, this project represents an incredible opportunity to preserve an important element of Montreal's history while creating a viable and reciprocal model for the transformation of an under-serviced corner of Saint-Henri - without public funding.
Our goal, simply put will be to demonstrate how private development, when carefully and respectfully planned, can assume the responsibility of providing for social needs without the requirement of any government subsidies or financial assistance...moreover, do so in a self sustaining manner over the long term.
Respecting the importance of Canada Malting, both past and present, this project will effectively restore the site as a whole so as to preserve its context and its history and allow it to resume an active economic role in the community. Through the incorporation of components that respond directly to the needs of the people of Saint-Henri, this development will breathe new life into Canada Malting and ensure the relevance of this iconic reminder of our past for all who will benefit from its inclusive and well into the future.

65 individual artist ateliers, collaborative spaces, vernissage spaces and offices (22,000 s.f. atelier des artistes)
a minimum of 100 energy efficient and adapted social housing units (representing 28%)
a large public park commemorating the history of
canada malting (14,000 s.f.)
a public connection to the lachine canal with the extension of the multi-use path to rue saint-ambroise
an event space for public gatherings (6,500 s.f.)
in collaboration with atelier des artistes
an integration centre for young autistic adults
(6,000 s.f)
a commercial zone for the provision of essential
services (13,000 s.f.)
an employment sector for office locals (26,700 s.f.)
the conservation and restoration of
canada malting and its reintegration back into
the community
a new public road with access to the underground parking complex (365 stalls)
160 energy efficient family oriented dwellings
adapted for today's needs (representing 70%)
a children's playground
an urban agriculture zone in collaboration
options for dynamic and shared transport Bixi / Communauto / canoe

The conservation and
restoration of
canada malting and
its reintegration back into
the community
a public connection to the
lachine canal with the
extension of the multi-use
path to rue saint-ambroise
A children's playground
160 energy efficient family
oriented dwellings adapted for
today's needs (representing 70%)
An employment complexe for office locals (176,800 s.f.)
Shared transport/ Bixi / CommunAuto
An integration centre for young
autistic adults (6,000 s.f)
a commercial zone
for the provision of essential
services (13,000 s.f.)
An event space for public gatherings (6,500 s.f.)
in collaboration with atelier des artistes
65 individual artist ateliers
"Atelier Des Artistes"
A new public road with access
to the underground parking
complex (285 stalls)
A large public park commemorating the history of
canada malting (14,000 s.f.)
60 social housing units
an urban agriculture zone
in collaboration with
As outlined in the results of a 2016 and 2017 PDUES public consultations officially conducted by the OCPM, social housing, places of employment, essential services, family focused dwellings, public green spaces, public access to the Lachine Canal, and the justification for increased public and shared transportation were among those items most demanded the people of Saint-Henri and the South-West.
Having participated in the consultation process, the approach chosen for the redevelopment of Canada Malting has been centered expressly on an exhaustive and in-depth understanding of these needs.
Based specifically on the recommendations of the OCPM, and with a profound appreciation of what the community has been asking for, our efforts will see for the decontamination of the property and the restoration and rehabilitation of the existing Canada Malting site for the creation of a unique community angled mixed use development composed of social and affordable housing, substantial places of employment and commercial activity, a retail zone dedicated to the provision of essential services, an integration center for autistic adults, a shared work space dedicated to artists and their craft, an event space for the community, public green spaces, a commemorative park, public access to the Lachine Canal, urban agriculture and family oriented dwellings.
While quite a lot, one of the principal objectives of this project is to create a "communaute complet" within Canada Malting and in so doing ensure its integration into the landscape in a manner that reattaches the site to daily life. After all, Canada Malting should be for everyone.

In order to realize the preservation and respectful reintegration of this historic site, help from the private sector is a must.
Our vision is to show that by carefully balancing the provision of both public and private elements, by being respectful to the needs of the community and by being responsibly minded, viable, sustainable and meaningful projects can be created that displace no-one and ask nothing from our governments. Approaching developments in this fashion puts the focus on the community and in creating positive change. Today, perhaps more than ever, our Governments should be allowed to focus their attention where it is needed most - on healthcare, education, family assistance and the economic recovery of our province.
With the combination of social housing family focused dwellings and various commercial components, our development approach willow us to economically support the conservation of Canada Malting AND the provision of much needed services and social programs well into the future to the benefit of the citizens of the district of Saint-Henri and Montreal as a whole.
There are few sites like Canada Malting. Sites with such historic significance that once played an immencely critical role in nearly every aspect of daily life.
Notwithstanding the fact that Canada Malting possesses the potential to dramatically improve the nature of this under serviced corner of Saint-Henry by allowing for the development of social housing, places of employment and the provision of essential services to those who need them the most, due to its location along the Lachine canal at the corner of Saint-Ambroise and Saint-Remi, ,this site has the unique ability to reconnect the South-West by becoming a central element in the landscape thereby linking the Pole Gadbois with Point-Saint-Charles and Verdun.
Once a place of industry, Canada Malting will be given a new life as the most inclusive project in Montreal's history and in so doing, allow it to write the next chapter in its incredible and diverse history and of that of the South-West
Since 2007, the potential of the Canada Malting site has been blocked, placing the neighbours and the community at great risk as the buildings continue to deteriorate and as the site remains highly contaminated.
Not only are we quickly approaching the point at which the preservation of this magnificent site will no longer be possible, the physical danger to those living in proximity demands that immediate action be taken.
In addition to the above, the community is in great need - needs that can be addressed responsibly and reciprocally through the development of the site. The sooner action is taken the better it will be for everyone...
With a tremendous need for additional funding in healthcare, education, family services and the economic relaunching of our province, we believe it is irresponsible to continue to petition our government for money in areas where many financial responsibilities must be shared with the private sector. We are ready, willing and capable of responding to the needs of the people in this regard.
By balancing the inclusion of community components like social housing and an integration centre for autistic adults, with family oriented dwellings and commercial zones, the enormous cost applicable to the decontamination of the site and the restoration of many of the existing buildings can be justified. Up front costs that are in excess of $50m.
With our "complete community approach", our financial capacity, our technical know-how and our experience in realizing extremely complex projects, our development of Canada Malting will establish the basis by which the private sector can successfully support the provision of many social efforts over the long term.

Our community is facing a great challenge. How we, collectively, address the changing dynamic of our social makeup could ultimately come to define who we are.
With the devastating effects of the pandemic now coming into focus, it should be expected that the provision of many essential services will be progressively and continually shifted from governmental institutions onto community based organizations. This being an ultimate necessity in helping to support the economic requirements that such services represent. The above having been said, the responsibility of caring for our fellow community members rests with us all and it is for this reason that a new approach to the providing of social and affordable housing is needed - perhaps now more than ever. The redevelopment of CANADA MALTING is needed and together, we will answer this call.
With our "complete community" approach and by placing the provision of social housing at the core of our development concept, CANADA MALTING will far exceed the percentages required in this regard and do so in an entirely inclusive manner.
These reciprocal objectives will combine responsible building practices, those aimed at reducing energy consumption, operating costs and the impact on the environment, with the benefits of better design and more interconnectivity within the project as a whole, so as to enhance the of the quality of life for all to be housed.
Having been the driving force in the development of perhaps one of the most significant social housing projects realized to date, we are confident that the criteria we helped rewrite in this regard will allow CANADA MALTING to become the new standard for facilities of this kind.
La Fondation Place Coco is a federally registered charity established in 2008. It has a voluntary Board of Directors.
In 2019, the foundation was approved to provide programs for persons with Autism 2 – 20+ by the Canada Revenue Agency and for the last few years, transition into adulthood has become important to the Founder. The first graduates of the Little Red Playhouse in 2009 are now graduating from high school and there are no services for young adults. This group represents 75% of those with ASD with the balance being in the severely affected category. There is no funding from the province and they represent 35% of all Quebeckers that are recognized as having a handicap.
The Canada Malting Project will be the new home for a teen and young adult programming called The Hub. It will be the new home of various community organizations, who will offer services from social skills development, to employment coaching and a multi - media creative studio.

In collaboration with MassivArt and Atelier creatifs, Canada Malting will be home to Atelier des Artistes - a unique and ground breaking facility conceived for artists by artists. At the forefront of this incredible aspect of our project is the dedication to fostering the creative spirit and its expression through artistic craft.
Composed of 65 individual studios or "Ateliers", collaboration spaces, display spaces and offices, Atelier des Artistes will promote the sharing of art, innovation and free thought with the community on a level that does not yet exist - in Saint-Henri or Montreal.
Front and centre and open to everyone, Atelier des Artistes will occupy 22,000 prime sq.ft. of the original facility and be located on Saint-Amboise - effectively becoming a hallmark of the project as a whole
The dwellings at Canada Malting all share the same purpose and have been conceived according to the same guiding principles. Every unit will be for someone who wants to be part of this project, who has specific lifestyle needs and who's needs can not be addressed by the numerous speculation developments aimed at foreign market interest.
With micro condos dominating our landscape, Canada Malting will be changing the game and will put the emphasis back in the design of spaces that can actually be lived in. Spaces that can truly accommodate those with children and those who work from home, as well as the unique dynamic represented by our ever changing needs.
With the focus on 2+ and 3br units, Canada Malting will answer this demand in a more inclusive manner - one that will encourage the fostering of our "complete community" approach.

The "complete community" development of Canada Malting reflects the collaborative efforts of many visionaries and champions, who share our goals and our dreams. What they do and what we do go hand in hand.
Moreover, as part of the reintegration of site into Saint-Henri, Canada Malting will maintain its position as a pivotal place for thought, for craft, for collaboration and for ongoing contribution the community...on many levels. A place for those individuals who are part of our greater collective to shine brightly ...
La Fondation
Place Coco
Sharon McCarry is a passionate community advocate for families living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other neuro-developmental disabilities. She is committed to making meaningful and significant change in policies and services to benefit families in disability communities.
In 2008, she founded La Fondation Place Coco, a Canadian charity that manages and operates the Little Red Playhouse (LRP). LRP is an integrated preschool, where neuro-diverse and neuro-typical young children learn side-by-side in a supportive educational setting.
Goulet Art
Artiste Peintre
C’est en 2018, au beau milieu d’une brillante carrière dans le milieu de la publicité au sein
d’entreprises d’envergure internationale, que Stéphanie Goulet décide de se consacrer à temps
plein à son art.
Elle peint de grandes toiles à l’huile avec beaucoup de détails sur une base de texture légère.
Son sujet : l’architecture urbaine. Parfois moderne et parfois historique, reflétant une partie de
notre propre histoire. Sur des tons vertigineux, intenses, calmes ou dramatiques, elle nous
amène dans son univers. Sa vision de la ville est ce qui la rend unique. Jumelé à un coup de
pinceau très net et précis, le résultat est flamboyant et touchant.

Composed of many interconnected elements, the realization of Canada Malting represents the collaborations of some of our Montreal's best providers of services and innovations - across multiple disciplines. Who they are and what they are doing is all part of our "complete community" approach ...
MASSIVart is a global art consultancy and production agency. We collaborate with emerging and established artists, architects, developers, designers and creative talent to create art-driven events, architectural design, commissioned works of art and cultural programs.
We conceive creative destinations that bring people together, create emotional connections and offer authentic brand experiences. With our team of producers, art directors, curators and designers, who are consistently at the forefront of the global art and culture scene, we create exclusive content, develop impactful design and connect artists to the public while highlighting our partners and clients in innovative ways
Fondation La Place Coco's "The Hub". The Canada Malting Project will be the new home for a teen and young adult programming called The Hub. It will be the new home of various community organizations, who will offer services from social skills development, to employment coaching and a multi - media creative studio.
The province has published statistics from the Ministry of Education that shows that of all Quebeckers with a handicap, over 35% are those with Autism. The province, now more than ever needs to invest in private/public programs that meets the needs of the community.

As we see all around us, the dynamic of Montreal is changing. With the massive retrofitting of our city’s infrastructure, the vast potential of Montreal and its adjacent neighborhoods, specifically those that can support an enriching, inclusive and community oriented quality of life, has been dramatically revived.
Saint-Henri is one of these neighborhoods. In fact, nowhere else in the vicinity of Montreal's core can there be found such a fusion of industrial history, artistic representation, culinary innovation, grass roots enterprise, community involvement, access to first rate services and prime recreational options.
Officially named Saint-Henri in 1875 in commemoration of the completion of Église Saint-Henri, (built to honour the legacy of Father Henri-Auguste Roux (1798–1831), it was incorporated into the City of Montreal in 1905. At the turn of the last century, it had become the area with the highest concentration of manufacturing of any location in North America. As the history of the district has always been closely connected with that of the Lachine Canal, most specifically the Canal's former industrialized zones, it should come as no surprise that the borough was once called "the engine of a nation".
Unfortunately due to several poorly planned additions to the city's infrastructure in the 1950's and 60's and with the closing of the Canal as a shipping conduit in 1970, the area had become marginalized and disconnected. With the loss of its economic base, the establishment of social programs, specifically to support the provision of essential services, emerged as a fundamental and necessary element of its governance.
Affectionately referred to as the “Plateau West of Montreal”, the infusion of new energy brought by the ever growing group of culinary, design, artistic, innovation and commercial pioneers who have made this neighborhood both their place of work and their home, this community is like none other. Rich in history and culture and possessing a dynamic that inspires and motivates. Canada Malting will regain its contributing role in this incredible community once again.

Sir George-Etienne
Cartier Square
James Lyng
Adult Centre
Complexe Récréatif

Originally from the South-West, Renwick has been a family business dedicated to excellence, since its founding in 1935.
For us, ideas matter most and we firmly believe that through the exchanging of ideas, through efforts of dynamic and continuous collaboration, through the fostering of teamwork and with shared responsibility, anything can be accomplished.
We are part of a TEAM, and together, we are making a difference !